Evotegra lead publisher on Acentrik.io
We are proud to be the first publisher of a commercial AI dataset on Acentrik the recently released data market of Mercedes-Benz AG based on Ocean Protocol. In addition at the Minimal viable demonstrator we are confident that decentralised data markets will play a leading role in a billion EUR data economy that is just about to get started.
Accepting Ether & Bitcoin
Evotegra GmbH is now accepting payments in Ethereum and Bitcoin.
GDPR Compliant Data Collection
In cooperation with Brighter AI, we present the first solution for the efficient acquisition of image data in public space built upon the highest data protection standards. Based on the „data protection by design” approach, faces and license plates in the image data are replaced by synthetically generated counterparts. This enables comprehensive protection of the identity without compromising the data e.g. for evaluation with artificial intelligence. The low power consumption and dimensions enable fully automatic data collection, for example in vehicles and vehicle fleets. The system is therefore suitable for efficient data acquisition in smart cities, for autonomous driving or for creating high-resolution digital maps (HD maps).
Download Whitepaper Automotive
Next Generation Face-Pixelation System
We are happy to announce the next generation of our real-time AI face pixelation system for GDPR compliant Live-Broadcasts. The system is based on our software used first on 18.09.2019 during the premiere of AI in German live TV in the show “Bundespolizei Live” produced by Spiegel TV and Kabel 1 and is currently the only AI Pixelation software with a prooven trackrecord in German live TV. The new generation system will enable a more flexible and reliable real-time pixelation under high demand live-broadcast conditions. Next to software the system will comprise the full hardware required to use the system on the set.
New Regional Manager KI-Bundesverband e.V.
(17-01-2020) Evotegra is pleased to announce that the Managing Director of Evotegra GmbH Tobias Manthey was appointed Regional Manager Central Germany / Rhine-Main of the German Federal AI Association / KI-Bundesverband e.V.
The German Federal AI Association currently represents more than 250 companies, startups, sme’s and individuals that support the establishment of Germany as an attractive business location for the AI ecosystem and promote the human-centered and people-friendly use of AI technologies.
Your business model is based on AI? Apply for a full member ship.
Your business model is not based on AI but you want to help to shape the general debate around AI? Apply for a promotional membership!
Founding member of AI-Frankfurt e.V.
(11-12-2019) Evotegra is proud founding member of AI Franfurt e.V.
The association AI-Frankfurt e.V. sees itself as an institution for the promotion of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Rhine-Main region. Its task is bringing together the various actors from science, business and society in the field of research and development related to artificial intelligence, as well as potential users and solution providers active in this field as well as public administration and government agencies, and to accompany the social discourse in order to achieve the common goal of the successful and responsible integration of artificial intelligence in everyday economic and social life.
Premiere of AI in German live-TV
In a premiere on German TV in the TV-show ” Bundespolizei Live – Großkontrolle an der Grenze” on 18.09.2019 by Spiegel TV and Kabel1 our software for live-pixelation of faces was used for the first time in production. The AI software provided by Evotegra GmbH processes 50 HD television pictures per second and detects and obscures all faces in the image. This enables us to meet the particularly high demands on the protection of personal rights in cooperation with the Federal Police. Due to Evotegra GmbH’s high-performance AI software platform, it was possible to realize the project in a mere 4 weeks from initial request to live-broadcast. Three servers, each with one GPU, processed approximately 1 gigabyte of data per second during the 2-hour transmission.
Many thanks to the great team of Kabel1, Spiegel TV and partners for the excellent cooperation and support.
See Evotegra Software in action in the live recording at: 30:07, 30:51, 31:34, 36:11, 36:33, 1:06:00
Data collection system successfully tested
(14-08-2019) Our Smart-City Visual Inspection System was successfully tested in a Remondis truck. The system consisting of an in-car system based on the NVIDIA Nano, camera and GPS successfully recorded data for a smart maintenance use-case for traffic signs.
Autonomous car implemented and tested
(10-07-2019) Evotegra successfully implemented and tested a mapless autonomous car. All relevant software and hardware was developed in-house and the costs for hardware excluding the car fits into a $10k budget. Impossible? See yourself.
AI in Depth
(02-07-2019) In cooperation with our partner Becom we just published our experience with Time of Flight (ToF) cameras in combination with Deep Learning in the well known InVision magazine. Depth adds more entropy compared to color in most use-cases and hence deep learning has the potential to achieve higher recognition rates compared to common RGB images. 3D sensors with synchronous images in combination with Deep Learning will play a major role in many industrie use-cases in the coming years.
Evotegra joins NVIDIA’s Inception Program
Mainz, 13-06-2019. Evotegra has joined the NVIDIA Inception program, which is designed to nurture startups revolutionizing industries with advancements in AI and data sciences.
The NVIDIA Inception program helps Evotegra to get in touch with technical expert and resources to get the best performance for our solutions.
NVIDIA’s Inception program is a virtual accelerator program that helps startups during critical stages of product development, prototyping and deployment.
Evotegra Data Collection System announced
Evotegra GmbH is glad to announce a professional full stack in-vehicle data collection solution starting in Q3 2019. The system will include all hardware and software to collect data on the spot. The deep learning enabled system includes single or stereo camera operated by a Nvidia based embedded system with 10-50W power consumption, localization and a cloud based data collection back-end. Additional services include SLAM, path planning, actuation, highly automated data collection and labeling as well as training of custom neural networks. The system can be highly customized to fit any use case ranging from high end for automotive to large scale fleet deployment. For the low end system in high volumes the target price is less than 1000 EUR.
Download our Evotegra Stereo Camera Fact Sheet to get an impression of what you can expect from a Stereo Vision System.
Evotegra goes Nano
We are proud to show our Stereo 3D-Reconstruction & Deep Learning Object Detection solution on the Nvidia Jetson Nano.
Technical details:
- Nvidia Jetson Nano
- 2 x Basler acA40-uc
- Resolution: 1900×1200 pixels
- Power consumption including peripherals: ca. 15-18W
- Deep Learning based object detection on one camera without visualization: 10 images per second
- 3D reconstruction with stereo-camera: 9 images per second
- Stereo 3D-Reconstruktion with simultaneous Deep Learning based Object Detection including 3D visualization: 5 images per second
In-Car Stereovision & Deep Learning
Check out our latest in-car demo of 3D Stereo-Reconstruction and simultaneous Deep Learning Object Detection.
Some technical facts:
- Platform: Nvidia Xavier
- Camera: 2x Basler acA 40-uc
- Resolution: 1920×1200 Pixels
- Data: 20 images or 1.5GBit (180 Megabytes) per second
- Power consumption: ~45W including all peripherals
- 3D Points: 2 up to 10 Millions per second
- Visualization: 3D and Object Detection